Saltburn beach, Cleveland

Saltburn beach, Cleveland

Services > Writing

Writing, presentation

An objective, direct style, matched with research and analysis skills, suited to:

Jacob Nielsen discovered that " Web users generally prefer writing that is concise, easy to scan, and objective, rather than promotional, in style."

They want text to be short and to the point, which makes it easier for them to scan web pages. Not only does writing this way improve the usability of a website for readers, it also helps to lift the website in search engine listings.

I maintain a news blog featuring political and business news and comment about Oman, a personal blog and currently write regular press releases on behalf of East Leake Amateur Players, for both the local and the regional press.

Ghost Blogging

You're told that you need a blog to get your website noticed, but you don't have the time to update it?

Consider a 'ghost' blogger in the same way that a 'ghost' writer writes books. Someone who understands your business needs and can turn out the words for you. Call me on +44(0)1509 650759.

PR for your website

Getting your website recognised and used doesn't just depend on search engine optimization techniques on your pages.

Do you have an accurate idea of who your target audience is? Print media are still a good way to get your message across.

I can write press releases for local, regional and national press and trade publications, which will help you get your name, your products and your website more widely known.

Longer feature articles, columns or blogs can spread awareness too. Blogs, or weblogs, can be thought of as online versions of your very own magazine.

You don't have to ask me to write in your blog, but I can set up the software and guide you through using it so that you can update news on your website as and when necessary.

A PR package can be written into a website building deal. Just ask.


"Sue has been our PR officer for our drama group since 2005. We don't have huge funds so are limited in advertising but Sue manages to get us prime space in local papers for each production. She is fantastically reliable in collecting news and information for various sources in our group and has managed to secure us a regular news spot in our village News. Her commitment and continuity in getting us heard around the community is fabulous, I don't know how we'd manage without her."

Hayley Masom, Chairman - Elaps

See my list of articles and previous experience.

If you need an urgent, accurate and concise briefing on current news, business and company information, contact me.