Experience > Research >
Experience in Information Briefings, Research
In Oman
- Weekly reports on news and analysis of events in the Gulf region
- Regular reports on water resources management issues in the regional and world press
- World Water Forum 2000
- International water law
- Hydrology and water resources of Israel
- Country reports on China, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, South Africa
- The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the Middle East region and best practice for promoting awareness
- The World Trade Organization and trends towards globalization – impact of membership
- The impact on the UK teaching profession of the government strategy for using ICT in schools.
- Case studies on the management of change as examples of best practice for introducing digital TV in UK
- Global case studies on the use of ICTs as tools for promoting political awareness
- Investigation of borehole data storage principles and practice. Dissertation for the award of MSc in Information Studies, 1982
In Botswana
Desk and field research into the use of satellite imagery remote sensing for geological interpretation culminating in the award of an MPhil degree by The Open University in 1978